Connect to UCloud through VS Code
Access to UCloud
1. Set Up SSH Access on UCloud
- Log in to your UCloud account and configure SSH keys by following the official instructions.
- When starting a job in UCloud, enable the SSH server option in the job settings.
- Configure SSH access.
2. Get the SSH Connection Details
Note: The port is different for every job. Therefore, you will need to perform the following steps each time.
3. Configure VS Code for Remote Access
Open VS Code, go to the bottom-left corner, and select Remote-SSH: Connect to Host.
Configure the host details as follows:
Host ucloud HostName LocalForward 8888 localhost:8888 ProxyJump <USERNAME> User ucloud Port <PORT NUMBER, e.g., 2270>
Remote-SSH: Server Install Path (Applies to all portions):
A map of remote hosts to specify the path where the VS Code server will be installed. By default, the server is installed in the home directory of the remote host. By changing this setting, you may want to clean up other installations of “smooth-server” on your remote host.
Item: ucloud Value: /work/smooth-server
This markdown file provides a step-by-step guide to connecting to UCloud through VS Code using SSH.